
WEP Reform: Our Work Continues

June 11, 2015
MAY 2015 VOICE: Efforts to advance federal legislation reforming the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) continue in earnest. Led ...HR711

Deep Concerns Over GIC Insurance Costs

June 10, 2015
Association Initiative Would Lower Expense CapMAY 2015 VOICE: After five-years of low cost growth and medical inflation, retiree costs ...Read More

Auto & Homeowner Insurance Discount Announced

June 9, 2015
Members Can Save at Least 6% Off Arbella PremiumMAY 2015 VOICE: Last year the Association began exploring the possibility of ...Read More

Governor Baker Supports FY15 COLA

June 8, 2015
Also Maintains State Retiree Insurance % In Budget ProposalMAY 2015 VOICE: In his first budget proposal, Governor Charlie Baker has proposed ...Read More

More Mass Retirees Discount Programs In The Works

May 1, 2015
MAY 2015 VOICE: For those members with insurance needs outside of Massachusetts, the Association is now in the process of ...Read More