Association Area Meetings are open to all members. You are welcome to bring a guest. If you know someone who is a retired MA public employee, but is not yet a Mass Retirees member, please bring them along – or at least encourage them to join.
Area meetings offer a great way for you to meet face-to-face with me, President Frank Valeri, and our staff. We’ll be available before and after the meeting to answer questions or assist with problems relating to your public retirement, such as health insurance claims issues. Light refreshments will be available and cash door prizes will be drawn at the conclusion of the meeting – you must be in attendance to win!
As you have heard us say, our Area Meetings are one of the highlights of working for you. It is always a joy to meet and get to know our members in person.
Again, if you are in or around our meeting locations, please come on by and say hello. Each meeting kicks-off at 11:00 AM and ends at approximately 12:30 PM.
I hope to see you soon!
Shawn Duhamel
Chief Executive Officer
Mass Retirees Association