Central Mass. Native Brings Unique Skill Set
SEPTEMBER 2014 VOICE: Born to a large Irish family well known in the Central Mass. town of Clinton, Steve Kerrigan honed his skills for grassroots activism and “helping others” at an early age. While raised in neighboring Lancaster, Kerrigan was never far from the strong sense of community that embodies Clinton and many other working class New England cities and towns.
Central Mass. Native Brings Unique Skill Set
SEPTEMBER 2014 VOICE: Born to a large Irish family well known in the Central Mass. town of Clinton, Steve Kerrigan honed his skills for grassroots activism and “helping others” at an early age. While raised in neighboring Lancaster, Kerrigan was never far from the strong sense of community that embodies Clinton and many other working class New England cities and towns.
Steve Kerrigan’s passion landed him a job in the office of legendary Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. There he learned how the wheels and levers of government can be used to better the lives of everyday people. From Kennedy he also learned that attention to detail and a personal touch go a long way toward assisting those in need of help.
After working his way to the top of Kennedy’s staff, Kerrigan went on to work for the Democratic National Committee, as the Executive Director of the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Credited with running a highly successful convention, Kerrigan returned to Massachusetts, settling back in Lancaster where he served as a selectman.
As a candidate for Lt. Governor, Kerrigan views his role in the next administration as one of problem solver and go to person. It is here that Kerrigan intends to use the skills honed in the halls of the US Senate – helping people resolve problems where others cannot.
In addition to several conversations and a lengthy meeting with the Association’s Executive Board, we have also been contacted by several members from the Clinton/Lancaster area who have reached out on Steve’s behalf. The level of local dedication and support for Steve Kerrigan’s candidacy speaks volumes about his character and competence.
Further, we believe that Steve’s experience at the highest levels of national politics makes him uniquely suited for the job of Lt. Governor. Longtime members know of the strong relationship our Association maintained with Senator Kennedy. This is due to the Senator’s unwavering support of public pensions and his aggressive advocacy on behalf of our members.
We are confident that Steve Kerrigan embodies those same basic principles. More importantly, Steve’s proven leadership skills will allow him to advance the issues to which he is committed.
As is the case with Steve Grossman, whom we’ve endorsed for Governor, and Deb Goldberg our endorsed candidate for Treasurer and Receiver General, Steve Kerrigan is someone who will make the needs of public retirees and survivors a true priority. We are honored to endorse Steve Kerrigan for Lt. Governor in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, September 9th.