Public school teachers in Massachusetts now contribute 11% of their salary toward your public pension – one of the highest retirement contribution rates in the country.

As a retired teacher, you earned your pension, because you paid for it! All retirees deserve to enjoy their retirement, knowing that your pension benefit is secure and that someone is looking out for you.

Public school teachers in Massachusetts now contribute 11% of their salary toward your public pension – one of the highest retirement contribution rates in the country.

As a retired teacher, you earned your pension, because you paid for it! All retirees deserve to enjoy their retirement, knowing that your pension benefit is secure and that someone is looking out for you.

That “Someone” is us – the Mass Retirees Association. Thousands of retired Massachusetts teachers depend on us to advocate for their rights as a retiree. For more than fifty years we have stood as THE VOICE for all retired Massachusetts public employees.

Join your fellow retired teachers by becoming a Mass Retirees Member Today!

Active teachers have collective bargaining contracts and are represented by a union.

Massachusetts law does not allow public retirees to collectively bargain. Once retired, teachers no longer have the contractual protections of active employees. This is a state law – regardless of the community or school district from which you retired.

Mass Retirees was founded in 1968 to advocate for retired teachers and all other public retirees, ensuring that you will always have a strong voice.

  • We fight for you at the local, state and federal levels of government
  • We represent all retirees on your local Public Employee Committee (PEC), which negotiates for retired teachers’ healthcare benefits
  • We filed legislation to keep retiree health insurance high quality and affordable
  • We’re national leaders in the fight to reform the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) law – ending the so-called “double dipping” penalty

Become a Mass Retirees Member Today!

Your Annual Membership is Just $35.

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