Members Turn Out for Latest News

With legislative activity intensifying as the State House approaches the end of its formal session (see page 3), it’s not surprising that members turned out in numbers at the Association’s three spring meetings in Leominster, Peabody and Dorchester, to hear the latest news. “While members can also keep informed with our weekly message, video and Hotline, some prefer getting it in-person and also enjoy the camaraderie that flows from gathering with fellow retirees,” comments President Frank Valeri.

“And by interacting with members and learning what’s on their minds, myself and all the officers also benefit a great deal from these in-person meetings. You can’t beat that face-to-face contact.”

In addition to our members, there were special guests who joined us. One very special guest at our Peabody meeting was GIC Executive Director Matt Veno who took time to interact with members but also addressed the audience, highlighting the challenges posed by ever increasing healthcare costs as well as the GIC’s efforts, including those with Mass Retirees, to mitigate this problem.

“We appreciate Matt coming to Peabody and meeting with our members,” adds CEO Shawn Duhamel. “In fact, Matt has the distinction of being the first GIC executive director to participate in one of our meetings. It’s symbolic of the solid working relationship that has developed between Mass Retirees and the GIC to address to address this all-important issue.”

Several elected state officials were also in attendance, including Senator Walter Timilty (D- Milton), Essex Cty DA Paul Tucker (D-Salem) Rep. Christopher Worrell (D-Boston), Rep. Jerald Parisella (D-Beverly), Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D-Northborough), Rep. Natalie Higgins (D-Leominster), Rep. Bruce Ayers (D-Quincy), Rep. Sally Kerans (D-Danvers), Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D-Fitchburg) and Boston City Councilor Brian Worrell. According to Legislative Chairman Tom Bonarrigo, “They’re all very good friends of Mass Retirees. And, we want to thank them for taking the opportunity to join with us at these meetings.

“While Senator Timilty is seeking election as Clerk of the Norfolk Superior Court this November, all the state representatives mentioned above will be seeking re-election. All of them deserve our support in their bids, as do DA Paul Tucker and City Councilor Brian Worrell.”

Valeri continues, “With these spring meetings and our Cape Meeting on June 6th, we’ve concluded our area in-person meetings for this season. But, as you see from page 3, we kick off the next season with the 2024 Annual Meeting on September 13th. See you then.”

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