On October 1, approximately 80 retired and active municipal members attended the 2nd Annual Municipal Health Insurance Summit at Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The Summit hosted by BCBS in partnership with the Mass Retirees Association, AFT Massachusetts, the MTA, and PFFM, was an opportunity to gather with fellow Public Employee Committee (PEC) members for a day of learning and information sharing.
Several critical topics were covered to empower PEC members with the information to be successful at the bargaining table. Topics included an overview of Joint Purchasing Arrangements, the collective bargaining process under MGL 32B, Sections 19 and 21-23 and the roles of a consultant, advisor and broker. The morning wrapped up with a panel who answered questions from attendees. Both Association CEO Shawn Duhamel and Legislative Liaison/PEC Coordinator Nancy McGovern were among the presenters during the summit.
The key takeaways from the morning were the importance of knowing what data to request, understanding the difference between an Insurance Advisory Committee (IAC) and the Public Employee Committee, the only bargaining committee for health insurance, and being able to identify the differences between the management consultant and the broker, for which there is unfortunately a grey area at this time.