Since we first began exploring a program for a Mass Retirees specialty license plate, we anticipated that interest among the membership would be strong and enable us to eventually achieve the required numbers to sustain the program. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case.

As our members have read in earlier reports, there are certain thresholds that must be met for the RMV (Registry of Motor Vehicles) to issue a plate. First, at least 750 members must file an application to pre-order a plate. More importantly, the RMV requires that over a five-year period, at least 3,000 plates had to be issued in order to continue the program.

While members have indicated interest, it has become evident from the numbers posted by us that we would not be able to satisfy the minimum 3,000 threshold. If the minimum is not met, then the RMV could impose costs on the Association.

Before asking members to complete an application, we made the decision not to proceed further with the program. To our members who have shown interest, thank you and hope you understand that this decision is in the best interests of all involved.

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