Now in its 56th year of serving retired public employees of the 104 retirement systems of the Commonwealth, the Association is widely recognized as one of the strongest lobby groups on Beacon Hill. Its 52,000 members consist of retirees of the state, teachers’, city, town, county, authority, and district retirement systems.
Retired State, County And Municipal Employees Association Of Massachusetts
Fifty Years of Service to Retired Public Employees

Massachusetts’ unique retirement law, uniform to each of its 104 retirement systems, provides a common bond for former employees and survivors. Guaranteed annual COLAs for all retirees is a top priority. Besides numerous legislative accomplishments, the Association serves as a service center for its members. Assistance with group health and life insurance problems, legal advice, tax information, pension and survivor benefit counseling, and the promulgation of related information are basic functions. An Association publication with a circulation of 75,000 is published bimonthly. Government activism by members is encouraged and supported.
Many of the Association’s officers and members hold elected or appointed office at both the state and local government levels. The Association has twelve officers and seven full-time staff members. The Association also has a strong, well-financed political action committee.
Among the varied research programs instituted by the Association is a comprehensive study of all facets of public employee retirement, on both the local and national level. This has permitted an educated approach to a complex, currently prominent subject – pensions. Membership meetings are held at various convenient locations on a regular basis. Attendance averages over 200, with over 500 members attending the annual meeting in September. A toll-free recorded hotline allows members to receive up-to-date information on legislation and other issues of concern regardless of where they may live.