Articles about Health Insurance that may be useful to Massachusetts retirees

Mass Retirees & Unions Meet With GIC

Mass Retirees & Unions Meet With GIC

July 10, 2019
Focus on Members’ Costs & Future Plan DesignJULY 10, 2019: In what might very well be a first, the ...

Sound, Fury and Prescription Drugs

July 9, 2019
Despite talk of reform, drug prices keep climbing. Here’s how to change that. By The NYT Editorial Board Despite ...

GIC Open Enrollment Ends Today, May 1st

May 1, 2019
MAY 1, 2019: The month’s long open enrollment for the state Group Insurance Commission’s (GIC) health and ...
GIC Annual Enrollment Now Underway

GIC Annual Enrollment Now Underway

April 3, 2019
Benefit Fairs Begin April 10thAPRIL 3, 2019: The state Group Insurance Commission’s annual open enrollment period began today ...
GIC Announces FY20 Rates

GIC Announces FY20 Rates

March 1, 2019
1.9% Increase for Popular OME PlanMARCH 1, 2019: On Thursday the state’s Group Insurance Commission (GIC) delivered ...
GIC Approves 2020 Plan Design

GIC Approves 2020 Plan Design

February 7, 2019
No Medicare Benefit ChangesFEBRUARY 7, 2019: The 17-member Group Insurance Commission (GIC) met this morning to set insurance ...

State GIC to Hold Listening Tour

January 4, 2019
Focus on Pending FY20 Health Insurance Changes JANUARY 4, 2019: With potential changes to the state’s health ...
GIC Begins Public Debate on FY20 Plan Design

GIC Begins Public Debate on FY20 Plan Design

December 6, 2018
Changes Would Begin July 1stDECEMBER 6, 2018: Today, the state’s Group Insurance Commission (GIC) began the public process ...

GIC Continues to Examine Health Plan Affordability

August 7, 2018
Review Comes at Request of Mass Retirees AUGUST 7, 2018: Following several years of increased healthcare costs paid ...

Municipal Retiree Insurance Moratorium Expired June 30th

July 5, 2018
Fight Continues For Permanent Protection  Fight Continues For Permanent Protection In 2011, Mass Retirees was successful in helping ...