Articles about Social Security that may be useful to Massachusetts retirees


Texans playing key roles in social security benefit fix

March 31, 2016
Over the years, millions of retired state and local workers — including teachers, police officers and firefighters — have received sharply reduced ...Read More

Social Security WEP Hearing Called a Success

March 25, 2016
Brady/Neal Credit Mass Retirees For AdvocacyMARCH 25, 2016:  On Tuesday of this week the House Subcommittee on Social ...Read More

Congressional Hearing on WEP Bill March 22

March 16, 2016
Mass Retirees Plays Central Role MARCH 16, 2016: In a major step toward resolving a complex problem we have fought ...Read More


March 14, 2016
Major Step Toward Congressional Action MARCH 12, 2015: In a major step toward reforming the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision ...Read More

Progress Continues on WEP Reform

March 1, 2016
Obama Reignites GPO Debate MARCH 1, 2016: Association officials joined our Texas counterparts on Monday for a series of meetings ...Read More

Social Security WEP Reform Effort Continues

November 1, 2015
As we continue our lobbying in Washington, D.C. to reform the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), reports indicate that the ...Read More

No Social Security COLA for 2016

October 9, 2015
Medicare Rates May Increase for Some Retirees OCTOBER 9, 2015: A flat Consumer Price Index (CPI) means there will be ...Read More

Mass Congressional Delegation Backs WEP Reform

July 1, 2015
HR711 Now Pending Before House Subcommittee on Social SecurityJuly 2015 Voice: A milestone in our efforts to reform the Social ...Read More

WEP Reform: Our Work Continues

June 11, 2015
MAY 2015 VOICE: Efforts to advance federal legislation reforming the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) continue in earnest. Led ...Read More

Brady & Neal Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Repeal Windfall Elimination Provision in Social Security

November 15, 2014
Retirees Would See Current Benefits IncreasedNOVEMBER 15, 2014: This week marked the first significant development toward providing retirees with relief ...Read More