
Growing Concern: Premium Freeze Expiring

January 2, 2014
JANUARY 2014 VOICE: An issue of great concern to the Association is the end of the legal moratorium on increasing ...Read More

Huge Turnout For Healthcare Hearing

January 2, 2014
JANUARY 2014 VOICE: Active employees turned out in droves for a public hearing on retiree healthcare reform held at the ...Read More

Association Prepares For Legislature’s Round 2

January 1, 2014
JANUARY 2014 VOICE: As the state legislature begins Round 2 of its two-year session in January, the Association is ...Read More

New Boston Mayor Retiree Ally

December 31, 2013
Long History With WalshJANUARY 2014 VOICE: Boston Mayor-Elect Marty Walsh is no stranger to Association officials or our members ...Read More