Thousands of retired Massachusetts teachers are now impacted by the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) law. Also known as the “double dipping” law, more than 70,000 retired public employees lose an average of $400 a month in their Social Security benefits due to the WEP.

Mass Retirees is a national leader in the fight to reform the WEP law. We represent thousands of retired Massachusetts teachers and have been the lead advocates for ALL public retirees for more than 50-years!

Thousands of retired Massachusetts teachers are now impacted by the Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) law. Also known as the “double dipping” law, more than 70,000 retired public employees lose an average of $400 a month in their Social Security benefits due to the WEP.

Mass Retirees is a national leader in the fight to reform the WEP law. We represent thousands of retired Massachusetts teachers and have been the lead advocates for ALL public retirees for more than 50-years!

Become a Mass Retirees Member Today!

To us, there is no such thing as “double dipping”! Retired teachers, who paid into Social Security and earned 40 or more quarters, deserve to receive the benefit you earned.

Click here to watch the latest news on WEP Reform

We are now working directly with MA Congressman Richard Neal, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, as he develops a proposal to reform WEP. This new approach would provide relief for current retirees who have already been harmed by the WEP, as well as create a new fairer Social Security formula for future retirees.

All nine Massachusetts Congressmen and our two U.S. Senators support WEP reform.

Mass Retirees fights to ensure that all retired teachers are treated fairly. You should receive the Social Security benefit that you earned!

It is important for all future retired teachers to stay informed and be able to plan for your retirement. We invite you to join our Association and become a Mass Retirees member today. For just $35 a year you wil receive all the benefits now received by thousands of other retired teachers.

  • Bimonthly Subscription to Mass Retireesaward winning newsletter, The Voice
  • Professional advocacy to protect your pension; fight for continued high-quality and affordable retiree health insurance; and bring needed reform to the Social Security WEP law
  • Assistance with health insurance claims disputes
  • More than a dozen area meetings each year
  • Personal contact with the Mass Retirees’ leadership team
  • Access to Membership Discount plans.

Join today and become a part of Mass Retirees!

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