Goal: Quality & Affordable GIC Coverage

For future and current state retirees, there is nothing more important than having access to high quality affordable healthcare. To achieve and sustain this goal is a constant struggle with the challenge of ever increasing healthcare costs.

Goal: Quality & Affordable GIC Coverage

For future and current state retirees, there is nothing more important than having access to high quality affordable healthcare. To achieve and sustain this goal is a constant struggle with the challenge of ever increasing healthcare costs.

For over five decades, Mass Retirees has worked to ensure state retirees and their families have access to a range of excellent health insurance plans with robust benefits at relatively affordable premiums. Affordability remains of utmost concern to us, particularly for the approximately 34,000 state retirees who are not eligible for Medicare and typically experience relatively higher costs in terms of premiums as well as out-of-pocket expenses.

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What About Next Year?

State law governs your right to health insurance when you retire, specifically Chapter 32A of the General Laws. While health insurance must be provided, the insurance plans themselves, including their coverage and benefits, can still be changed by the Group Insurance Commission (GIC). 

You may recall the GIC’s attempt in 2018 to drastically cut the full range of plans offered to state retirees and employees. Mass Retireesworked with state employee and teacher unions to stop those cuts from being implemented. And while there were no increases in deductibles and copayments for this year, it’s uncertain at this time whether there will be an attempt to raise these out-of-pockets next year.

This month (September), the GIC commences its decision making process for plan design (deductibles, copayments), as well as premiums, beginning next July. Mass Retirees will be not only be closely watching developments at the GIC but taking appropriate action when called for.

When it comes to the GIC, these next few months will be critically important to future and current state retirees. You need to be informed in order to act. 

Stay Informed

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To stay informed, as well as learn more about the other challenges that Mass Retirees is facing on behalf of state retirees , we invite you to subscribe to our flagship bimonthly publication, The Voice. It is important for all future state retirees to stay informed and be able to plan for your retirement. This is your best source of information directly related to the GIC and public retirement. 

Become a Mass Retirees Subscriber today! Your annual subscription is just $25 for all six issues.

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