ibis health

Taking the Right Dose on the Right Day, at the Right Time

Exactly four years ago, Mass Retirees announced in the July 2020 Voice that an innovative Telehealth services program, known then as Ibis (and now Ibis Health), was being made available to members with chronic conditions and insured by Medicare. Developed by Senscio Systems, a Mass. software and telehealth services company, Ibis Health features both advanced computer technology and a robust service support team that will enable eligible members to actively self-manage and monitor their chronic conditions at home.

Since that announcement, Mass Retirees and Senscio have developed a solid working relationship. To better understand the program’s benefits, we’ve asked Senscio to explain how Ibis Health assists a member with an essential component in self-managing their care, namely taking their medications properly – taking the right dose on the right day, at the right time.

Staying on top of your meds can be hard, especially if you are among the roughly 80 percent of older Americans with two or more chronic conditions. According to Senscio, there’s often a lot to manage. More than half of adults over the age of 65 report are taking four or more prescription drugs at once, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. With multiple conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and respiratory problems, the number of meds can top a dozen or more, with different dosages and instructions, which can feel overwhelming.

It’s perhaps no surprise that, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in five prescriptions are never filled. Of those that are, about half are taken incorrectly, leading to at least 100,000 preventable deaths and roughly $100 billion in preventable health care costs each year.

With daily medication reminders and coordinated assistance to navigate potential side effects, refill requests and insurance coverage, Ibis Health works to empower members with multiple chronic conditions to feel their best and remain independent. As a result, members in the program are more likely to take all their meds as prescribed, reporting an 80 percent adherence rate while participating in the program.

“I’ve been enrolled in Ibis since 2020,” reports Association Insurance Coordinator Cheryl Stillman. “During the past four years, I’ve spoken with members in the program who are very satisfied with the service support team, including member advocate and certified medical assistant Krista Thomas.

“Krista works tirelessly to help members figure out ways to stay on top of their meds and understand what they are taking and why. I’ve asked Krista to answer some question about managing your meds with the help of Ibis Health. Here are her answers.”

Why is it important to take your meds correctly, especially when it comes to managing chronic conditions?

“Well, when we do not take our meds as prescribed, you are more likely to have other side effects, less likely to be able to treat the disease that you are trying to treat, and more likely to have complications with them. It’s a big issue in the United States that a high percentage of people are not taking their medications correctly, and we could prevent so many diseases and deaths if we just take our medications, at the right time, with the correct dose, every single day as the doctor prescribes. But it can be hard at times for people, depending on their situations and other barriers that might come in between them and their ability to get their medications.”

How does Ibis Health help members to stay on top of their meds?

“We provide a tablet for each member, and on that tablet are their medications. We can set up alarms to remind them to take their medications. We also provide support to help members who struggle with remembering their meds or understanding the differences in their meds. We help them obtain pill packs, where all their meds come in one little pack and they can just take all of their morning meds at once. We also have nurse practitioners on staff who can help educate people on their medications. I love teaching somebody how to use their medications correctly, and the reasons we use them as prescribed. Knowledge is so much power, and the more knowledge we give people, the better they are with taking care of their health.”

What if I am having trouble getting my meds? Or I need a refill? Can Ibis Health help me with that?

“Always. If a member reaches out to us because they are unable to get one of their medications, we will do everything in our power to help them find another avenue to get that medication. With some medications, people just can’t afford them. I have sent out applications to members so they can apply for assistance programs to get their medications at a lower cost. If you’re having problems with the pharmacy, we can always try to help you find a pharmacy in the area that may have the medication available. We provide many different ways to help people stay adherent to their medications.”

To learn more about Ibis visit: www. ibishealth.org/voice

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