Articles about the State GIC that may be useful to Massachusetts retirees
Governor Healey Files First Budget Proposal
March 1, 2023News, Breaking NewsExpands Pension Funding & Proposes 3% COLAWEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2023: Governor Maura Healey has filed her first state budget ...Read More
Gic Selects CVS as Fy24 Pharmacy Manager
December 15, 2022News, Breaking NewsINCLUDES MEDICARE & NON-MEDICARE PLANSDECEMBER 15, 2022: The Group Insurance Commission held the final monthly commission meeting of the ...Read More
Major retiree health insurance news
October 24, 2022News, Weekly News UpdateOctober 21, 2022: Thursday brought some highly anticipated news to the 460,000 enrollees covered by the state’s Group ...Read More
Senate Passes Landmark Bill to Cut Prescription Drug Prices
August 8, 2022News, Breaking NewsThe U.S. Senate passed a historic budget bill on Aug. 7 that would help millions of Medicare enrollees better ...Read More
As the Red Cross moves to a pricey blood treatment method, hospitals call for more choice
May 17, 2022News, From the MediaAmericans generally don’t spend much time thinking about the nation’s bloodRead More
GIC launches health plan procurement process
April 1, 2022Weekly News Update, NewsWeekly Update 4/1/2022: Every five years the state’s Group Insurance Commission (GIC) is required to rebid ...Read More
March 10, 2022NewsThe Shift to Whole Person HealthMarch 2022 Voice: As healthcare costs have continued to rise, a major focus of ...Read More
GIC Announces FY23 Plan Design & Premiums
March 3, 2022News, Breaking NewsPopular UniCare OME Plan to Increase 1.3%March 3, 2022: The state’s Group Insurance Commission held their ...Read More