GIC Begins Public Debate on FY20 Plan Design

GIC Begins Public Debate on FY20 Plan Design

December 6, 2018
Changes Would Begin July 1stDECEMBER 6, 2018: Today, the state’s Group Insurance Commission (GIC) began the public process ...
State Officials Hold Annual Revenue Consensus Hearing

State Officials Hold Annual Revenue Consensus Hearing

December 5, 2018
Pension Funds Cited As Positive Economic FactorDECEMBER 5, 2018: This morning the state’s top budget, revenue and fiscal ...
WEP: New Reform Bill Filed

WEP: New Reform Bill Filed

October 31, 2018
Brady & Neal Seek Compromise With H.R. 6933In a positive sign that blind partisanship can be set aside for ...

Bill Would Rework Limits on Social Security for Some Public Workers

October 8, 2018
It’s the latest effort by lawmakers to overhaul the “Windfall Elimination Provision," which affects benefits for thousands of state ...
PERAC Forum Spotlights WEP/GPO Fight

PERAC Forum Spotlights WEP/GPO Fight

September 14, 2018
Mass Retirees Addresses 300 Retirement Officials SEPTEMBER 14, 2018: An important aspect of Mass Retirees’ advocacy efforts to ...

50 Years as the Voice of the Retired Public Employee

September 12, 2018
Founded in the fall of 1968, Mass Retirees has served as the lead advocates for all Massachusetts retired public employees ...

GIC Continues to Examine Health Plan Affordability

August 7, 2018
Review Comes at Request of Mass Retirees AUGUST 7, 2018: Following several years of increased healthcare costs paid ...
Legislature Restores Retiree Work Limit To 1,200 Hours

Legislature Restores Retiree Work Limit To 1,200 Hours

August 1, 2018
Rejects Governor’s Counter Proposal AUGUST 1, 2018: Late last night, the Legislature reapproved Mass Retirees proposal increasing ...
Treasurer Goldberg Delivers July COLA

Treasurer Goldberg Delivers July COLA

July 27, 2018
3% For State & Teacher RetireesThanks to State Treasurer Deb Goldberg, as well as the State Employees and Teachers Retirement ...
Baker Rejects Part-Time Work Limit Increase

Baker Rejects Part-Time Work Limit Increase

July 26, 2018
Mass Retirees Shocked By Governor’s Counter ProposalJULY 26, 2018: Governor Charlie Baker has rejected a Mass Retirees proposal ...
Legislature Approves Increase in Retiree Part-Time Work

Legislature Approves Increase in Retiree Part-Time Work

July 19, 2018
Now Awaiting Governor’s ApprovalJULY 19, 2018: The recently passed State Budget includes a section increasing the hourly restriction ...
State Budget Deal Reached

State Budget Deal Reached

July 19, 2018
3% State & Teacher COLA Retroactive to July 1JULY 18, 2018: House and Senate budget negotiators have reached agreement ...
WEP Reform Work Continues

WEP Reform Work Continues

July 6, 2018
Neal & Brady Push Bipartisan Effort When gauging whether or not legislation may have a chance of advancing through Congress ...

Municipal Retiree Insurance Moratorium Expired June 30th

July 5, 2018
Fight Continues For Permanent Protection  Fight Continues For Permanent Protection In 2011, Mass Retirees was successful in helping ...

Senate Approves Changes to Retiree Work Restrictions

July 4, 2018
Increases Annual Hour Limit to 1,200During its debate on the FY19 State Budget,  the Senate has voted to ...

State Life Insurance Increase No Easy Task

July 3, 2018
Budget Amendments RejectedFor more than a decade, Mass Retirees has fought for an increase in the state’s basic life ...

No Action Taken on Life Insurance & Moratorium Fix

June 25, 2018
Formal Legislative Session Ends July 31stJUNE 25, 2018: Despite the best efforts of our legislative team, as well as ...


June 19, 2018
JUNE 19, 2018: Mass Retirees is calling for your immediate help in advocating for our legislation that will permanently ...
Raise the Death Benefit

Raise the Death Benefit

June 15, 2018
Mass Retirees Call on House to Increase Basic Life Insurance: Adopt Amendment #99State retirees and active employees are urged to ...